English - CBSE 10th standard Syllabus, 10th Standard CBSE English Syllabus, Xth standard English syllabus, class 10th CBSE English Syllabus, CBSE Xth Examination Specification, class tenth CBSE English syllabus, CBSE syllabus

English - CBSE 10th standard Syllabus, 10th Standard CBSE English Syllabus, Xth standard English syllabus, class 10th CBSE English Syllabus, CBSE Xth Examination Specification, class tenth CBSE English syllabus, CBSE syllabus

English Communicative
Code No. 101

One Paper 3 Hours 100 Marks
Section Marks
Reading 20
Writing 30
Grammar 20
Literature 30

SECTION A : READING 20 Marks 40 Periods

Two unseen passages with a variety of comprehension questions including 04 marks for word-attack skills such as word formation and inferring meaning in the longer passage of 12 marks.

1. A factual passage (e.g. instruction, description, report etc.) or a literary passage (e.g. extract from fiction, drama, poetry, essay or biography). The passage will be between 250-350 words in length. (In the case of a poetry extract, the text may be shorter than 150 words) 8 marks

2. A factual passage or a discursive passage involving opinion, (argumentative, persuasive or interpretative text). The passage will be between 400-450 words in length. Questions on word attack skills will be for 04 marks. 12 marks

The total length of the two passages will be between 650 and 800 words.

SECTION B : WRITING 30 Marks  63 Periods

The Writing Section comprises of four writing tasks as indicated below:
Questions 3 and 4 are Short compositions of not more than 50 words each - e.g., notice, 5 + 5 10 Marks message, Postcard

Composition based on a verbal stimulus such as an advertisement, notice, newspaper clipping, tabular data, diary extract, notes, letter or other forms of correspondence. Word limit : 150-175 words 10 Marks

Composition based on a visual stimulus such as a diagram, picture, graph, map, cartoon or flow chart. Word limit : 150-175 words10 Marks

One of the longer (10 marks) compositions will draw on the thematic content of the Main Course book.

SECTION C : GRAMMAR 20 Marks 42 Periods

Question No. 7-11
A variety of short questions involving the use of particular structures within a context (i.e., not in isolated sentences). Test types used will include gap-filling, cloze (gap filling exercise with blanks at regular intervals), sentence completion, re-ordering word groups in sentences, editing, dialogue - completion and sentence - transformation.

The grammar syllabus will be sampled each year, with marks allotted for :
Verb forms
Sentence structures
Other areas

Note : Jumbled words in re-ordering exercise to test syntax will involve sentences in a context. Each sentence will be split into sense groups (not necessarily into single words) and jumbled up.

SECTION D : LITERATURE 30 Marks 65 Periods

12 and 13 : Two extracts out of three from different poems from the prescribed Reader, each followed by two or three questions to test local and global comprehension of the set text. Each extract will carry 3 marks. 3+3 6 Marks

14 One out of two questions (with or without an extract) testing appreciation of global or local comprehension of a poem from the prescribed reader. (50-75 words) 04 Marks

15 Two questions based on one of the drama texts from the prescribed reader to test local and global comprehension of the set text. One or two lines for each question if an extract is given. If an extract is not given, the word limit will be roughly 75 words. 04 Marks

16  One out of two questions from the drama texts based on theme, character, plot. (50-75 words) 04 Marks

17 One out of two questions based on one of the prose texts from the prescribed reader to
test global comprehension and extrapolation beyond the set text. (50-75 words) 04 Marks

18 One out of two questions based on the prose texts from the prescribed reader to
test global comprehension and extrapolation beyond the set text. (150-175 words) 08
Questions will test comprehension at different levels : literal, inferential and evaluative.

Prescribed Books/Materials
1. Interact in English — X Main Course Book Revised edition Published by
2. Interact in English — X Literature Reader Revised edition Delhi-110092
3. Interact in English — X Workbook Revised edition
Code No. 184
Examination Specifications
One Paper 3 Hours Marks : 100
Section Marks
Reading 20
Writing 20
Grammar 15
Literature 45

SECTION A : READING 20 Marks 30 Periods

Questions 1 and 2 two unseen passages of total 500 words with a variety of questions including 4 marks for vocabulary.

Only prose passages will be used. One will be factual and the other will be literary.
Passage 1 - 200 words (8 marks) - Four or five comprehension questions 8 marks
Passage 2 - 300 words (12 marks)-Four or five comprehension questions and two questions on vocabulary. Marks for vocabulary will not exceed 4 marks. 12 marks

SECTION B : WRITING 20 Marks 40 Periods

3. Letter Writing - One letter based on provided verbal stimulus and context. 8 Marks
Type of letter : Informal: Personal such as to family and friends.
Formal : Letter of complaints, enquiries, requests, applications

4. Writing a short paragraph on a given outline / topic in about 60 words 4 Marks

5. Composition : A short writing task based on a verbal and / or visual stimulus. (diagram, picture, graph, map,chart, table, flow chart etc.) Maximum words 80 8 Marks

SECTION C : GRAMMAR 15 Marks 45 Periods

Question No. 6-11
A variety of short questions involving the use of particular structures within a context. Test types used will include cloze, gap-filling, sentence-completion, sentence-reordering, dialogue-completion and sentence-transformation (including combining sentences). The Grammar syllabus will include the following areas for teaching:
1. Use of non-finites.
2. Sentence connectors : as, since, while, then, just because, just, until.
3. Clauses with what, where and how.
4. Past Tense.
5. Modals : can, could, may, must, might.

Note : All other areas covered in Class IX will also be tested in Class X as this is an integrated course for this area of learning.

SECTION D : TEXT BOOKS 45 Marks 95 Periods

First Flight - NCERT Textbook for Class X

Prose 20 Marks

12 & 13 Two extracts from different prose lessons included in Textbook (Approximately 100 words each) 5x2 = 10 Marks

These extracts chosen from different lessons will be literary and discursive in nature
Each extract will be of 5 marks. One mark in each extract will be for vocabulary. 4 marks in each
passage will be used for testing local and global comprehension besides a question on interpretation.

14. One out of two questions extrapolative in nature based on any one of the prose lessons
from Textbook to be answered in about 80 words. 6 Marks

15. One out of two questions on Drama Text (local and global comprehension question)
(30-40 words) 4 Marks

Poetry 10 Marks
16. One extract from a poem from the prescribed reader followed by two or three questions to test the local and global comprehension of the set text. 4 Marks

17. Two out of three short answer type questions on interpretation of themes and ideas contained in the poems to be answered in 30-40 words each. 6 Marks

Foot Prints without Feet - NCERT Supplementary Reader for Class X 15 Marks

18. One out of two questions from Supplementary Reader to interpret, evaluate and analyse character, plot or situations occurring in the lessons to be answered in about 100 words. 8 Marks

19. One out of two short answer type questions of interpretative and evaluative nature based on lessons to be answered in 30-40 words 4 Marks

20. One out of two short answer type questions based on factual aspects of the lessons to be answered in 20-30 words. 3 Marks

Prescribed Books
1. First Flight - Textbook for Class X Published by NCERT,
2. Foot Prints without Feet - Supplementary Reader for Class X Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi.

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